Sunday, August 12, 2007

Looking Back

Change....Hair, body shape, life... We've come a long way. Don't laugh too hard or long at the old photo (you might pull your milk muscle as BJ says)... gotta love the glasses though... I'm pretty sure I am wearing on old pair of Brent's because I broke mine. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. The photo of Brent and I dancing was taken right before Misty and Jake's wedding while we were going to ballroom dance lessons. Can't wait for them to start up again in January.... We will so be there. Yeah for dance lessons... so much fun! Isn't it great that Brent will do that with me... I sure think so. Oh so they had a debate on the Gregg and BJ show last week... Does it matter if your guy knows how to dance or is it just great that he still will dance with you... I say any dancing is great.... the knowing how is just a little side benefit.
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**Wendy's At It Again** said...

I think your pictures are so great! I'm not even both are beautiful then and now. Boy does your Arkansas pic bring back some memories. I can't stop scrolling back and forth through your last two posts.

Sorry I haven't posted yet. We're still a bit crazy with getting the kids in school. I hope I have time today. But if I don't quit looking at your cute pics, I'll waste all my free time!!

Love You,