Saturday, October 4, 2008

Exciting News for Kansas City!!!

So we heard the most wonderful news today during the First Session of General Conference. An L.D.S. Temple will be built in the Greater Kansas City Area! Wooooo Hoooo!!!! We are so thrilled to finally have a temple close to home... now we have to wonder... Where???? Hopefully we will find out all the particulars at Stake Conference next Sunday.

I loved the first session. Each talk was sweeter and seemed to speak more clearly to our family's recent experiences. I loved President Deiter F. Uchtdorf's talk on Hope. It cemented in my mind much of what I have been feeling. When he said we have the responsibility to make it an active part of our lives... That hope is a choice... we can choose hope or choose dispair... My thoughts were... I choose Hope. So I am ever hopeful that through our Lord and Savior, through the power of prayer all things are made possible. This week has been a testiment of that very truth. Each day as TJ grows stronger, and Jade and Tim stay strong, hopeful, and faithful... we know that we are loved and that the Lord hears and answers our prayers. Thank you again to all who have prayed on our behalf. We love each and every one of you.

May God Bless and Keep you in his Care.


The Smiths said...

And even better to find out it will be in Liberty!! What awesome news for all of you.